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Payroll Managment

Payroll Managment

Employee wise benefit in cash :

1- Click on "Employee wise benefit in cash"

Slide 1

2- You can add type of cash benefits by clicking on " Cash benefit type" and then press "New"


3- After clicking on "new", a mini box will appear,

Now you have to enter benefit name, and then choose whether its reimbursement based or not


4- when you move your cursor to this mini question mark, this will tell you about "Reimbursement" eg: if you select " Yes" here then employees will be only eligible for this benefit if they actualy made this expense. You can add different types of "Cash benefit" here with same steps.


5-now click on "Cash Benefit" and hit on " New" button


6- Now a mini tab will appear on your screen.


First of all load relevant employee to whom you are giving this benefit.

If you Click " No" on " Is Variable" then maximum amount that is wrintten in " Amount limit" will reflect in salary sheet.

If you click "Yes" on "Is variable" then above selected emploee will be only eligible to the actual amount of expense. In this case an entry should be made in "Reimbursement benefit and Allowance" of actual amount, then this actual amount will reflect in salary sheet. Detail Explanation is in step 4.

You have to decided whether this benefit is related to attendance or not, if you click "yes" on "Is attendance related" then above selected employee will be eligible to the amount of benefit calculated by software on "pro rata basis". Eg Employee's attendance is marked only for 15 days then calculation of this benefit will be (Amount Limit*(15/Total number of Working days in a month)).

select " benefit" in benefit name, which cash benefit is giving to above selected eemployee.

select benefit unit here. Eg is this benefit monthly basis, daily basis , hourly basis etc.

Decide "Amount Limit" of this benefit or %age of basic salary. You have to choose one from these two options

Now select whether this benefit is related to stay with company n not. If you click ""yes" then employee will be only eligible for this benefit till their employment.

Now enter implementation date of this benefit. From this date affect of this benefit will show in salary sheet of this aboove selected employee.

Now hit on " save" if you want to save and hit "save and continue" if you want to save and continue to add differents benefits to different employees'.